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Planning Board Minutes 2005/04/28
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
April 28, 2005

Board Members & Staff:  
Present:   Freda Swan, Dave Swanz, Jack Elliott, Dick Jones, Dan Brand, and Victoria Davis   Absent:  Jeanie McIntyre
Public:         Ben Kilham, Planning Board Representative for Driveway Permits

Freda Swan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Jack Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2005 meeting with minor amendments and the minutes of the April 26, 2005 meeting.  Dick Jones seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Driveway Regulations Amendments:  The Board reviewed the proposed changes to the Driveway Regulations which included changing the name to “Curb Cut Regulations.”  Ben Kilham expressed concern that the all season sight distances should not be changed as they already have a difficult time creating a 200’ sight distance.  He added that they have had to cut several trees on the scenic roads, and he does not recall any accidents involving a car coming from or into an access way.  The Board determined to leave the sight distances as written.

Item 3: Subdivision Regulations Amendments:  The Board reviewed the proposed changes to the Subdivision Regulations.  Dick Jones stated he disagrees with section “2.23 Lot” which states that two parcels in common ownership separated by a road are one lot even if the road is owned in fee by the town or state.  Freda Swan recommended that sections “3.13 Inspection Fees” and “3.18 Developer’s Responsibilities” be copied into the Site Plan Review Regulations.  It was determined that the Fire Protection section should be sent to Mike Hinsley, Fire Chief as Freda Swan was not able to catch up to him for review.

Item 4: Other Business:  Freda Swan announced there had been a change in State law which no longer allows the recording of site plans.  Instead, site plan review approvals are to be recorded which reference the plans.  Jack Elliott suggested we advertise again for Planning Board alternates to fill the vacancies.

The Board needs to meet next week to review the bids for consultant review of the Crossroads Academy proposal.  Freda Swan asked the members to contact Victoria Davis to give their availability next week.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for May 12, 2005:

7:00    Lyme Nursery School Site Plan Review Hearing
7:30    Newton/Dickey Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
        Newton/Paolino Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
9:00    LOP Trust (Wagner) Minor Subdivision Hearing

Tentative Meeting Agenda for May 26, 2005:

7:00    Luane Cole Clark Informal Meeting (Map 408, Lot 61.2)
7:40    Lois Huntington Informal Meeting (Map 407 Lot 80)
8:10    Curt Vinson Informal Meeting about Site Plan Review Need (Map 201 Lot 29)
8:40    Alverson/Barnum Informal Meeting (Map 402 Lot 98)

Tentative Meeting Agenda for June 9, 2005:

7:00    Crossroads Academy Site Plan Review Hearing